Friday, October 26, 2007

prayer journaling

Beginning my own prayer journal has made a huge impact on my life. I am able to converse with God in such a more meaningful way. It has made me look at things differently. It has revealed a God to me that desires me and has become personal to me. I have such peace in my life.... things get crazy, don't get me wrong. I lose my temper, I get frustrated, I say things I regret, I mistreat others, I choose some other things to do instead of what I should be doing.... The thing is, the difference is~ I have peace in my soul.

I don't write every prayer in my journal, but I do journal a prayer daily. This keeps the lines open....keeps me consistent. Sometimes I get lost when praying silently. I begin just fine, then the next thing I know I was praying for Lonnie over in Kentucky and then I began thinking about the last time I went to Kentucky~ which then may make me thing of numerous other things, like how I should have had my hair colored last week..... Next thing I know my mindset is anywhere but where it should be. I realize it, and I am like "oh...I am so sorry God, yeah.... back to the conversation..." And it happens all over again. I pretty much have to pray out loud, keep it real short if silent, or write it down! My prayer journal also enables me to go back and see my growth as well as answered prayers, that I didn't even realize have been answered. Those little things you pray about and then forget. One time I prayed and prayed to get along with a certain person. Months and months had went by and I was just going on with my life. I came across an old prayer journal and thumbing through it found these prayers I had written to get along with this person. I was flipped out and just had to sit there and smile.... this person had since become a great friend of mine!

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