Monday, October 20, 2008

A Woman's Heart, God's Dwelling Place

from a past posting...
In my bible study today ( a woman's heart, god's dwelling place by Beth Moore), it asked me about what I deliberately avoid for the sake of purity and how others know that I am set apart to God?

Wow, that is food for thought for me.

I instantly thought..well, I avoid television....
There are so many other things that I should be avoiding though. I should be avoiding gossip in any way, shape, or form. I should be avoiding anything at all that challenges my integrity~ my witness. Many books, magazines, the newspaper, laziness..... This study has made me aware that lots of things challenge the purity and integrity I am called to uphold as I child of God.

Being set apart to God? How do people know that about me? This is an area I have much work to do. If I cannot answer this with a solid statement, do I stand apart? I have been told that you cannot conquer what you tolerate. I am working to ensure that my actions and my comments set me apart. I think it goes back to what I discussed earlier about being authentic. For me, much of my faith is shown in my actions. What does set me apart? It has been said that there is no greater validity to being a Christian than a changed life.

"People remain the same, until the pain of remaining the same outweighs the pain of change."

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Is your life pleasing to God?

1 Thessalonians 4:1 tells us that we should be living a life that is pleasing to God.

That command is so backward of the times today that people treat you like you are totally lost if you are doing something because it is the right thing. You may not feel like it. You may want to do something totally different..
but the truth of the matter is, you need to do what is right.

I think the whole entire campaign of "looking out for number one" has been what has brought this world to its knees. When we seek what self desires, and not what God desires we are going against God and against his commands. This same concept applies when you are attempting do something, you cannot rely upon self. Rely upon God.

By having God with you and drawing upon his strength... you can accomplish much more than you can on your own. God's desire is for us to succeed. He is there to help us and maintain us when the roads get rough. We may think we cannot go another day, put up with another thing... but when we are doing things to please God and not our self, He himself will be the one to carry us through.

Allow him the opportunity to walk with you, to guide you, to carry you when the need arises. It really isn't "all about me" as society would like us to believe. It is all about God, and his desires and living a life that is pleasing and honoring to him. I promise you that living a life that is pleasing to God will bring such a difference to your life, you'll put self away and focus on what is truly a life for eternity.

Monday, October 13, 2008

I have a desire to share my faith, yet I feel so inadequate to do it. I know that God will give me strength.. that He will give me the words, but even knowing this, I struggle. I don't want to struggle, I want to be a shining light, I want to bring others to the joy I have.

My life has been such a wonderful blessing since I accepted Christ, and quit trying to live "my" way. Why should that be hard to share? I think one of the biggest hurdles for me, is the fear of pushing people away. I don't want to force anything on anyone. I don't believe that it is the way to go about things, nor would God want us to. It goes too far for me though, I worry about making the person feel out of place..uncomfortable. So I just keep quiet, and that is totally wrong as well!

I know before I was a Christian, really the last thing I wanted was to have someone hound me about God and Jesus. I would find myself avoiding these people. Even though I avoided them, I also did want to learn more. I wanted to learn more at my level, not theirs. Where is that middle ground? How do we approach someone we love, in a non-threatening way and share the good news with them? I know I have to do it in love. I know I have to do it in good faith with a willing heart. I have to trust God. I have to talk to God about it, I have to listen to his prompting and act upon it.

I try to live by example, I try to let my actions reveal my heart and my beliefs. I want to be easy to approach. I don't do this perfectly. I pray everyday for God's insight, his wisdom... I asked to be filled with the Holy Spirit and led by it. I don't want to push anyone, yet I don't want to leave anyone behind. I also want to do what God desires of me, and leading others to him is a big responsibility of mine. Where is the middle? How do I do this?

Does anyone else have a desire to share your faith, but you don't know how? Anyone have advice? A book to share? A study to do? Please leave me a comment with some advice. Anonymous post are welcome :-)

Friday, October 10, 2008


God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Facts, not feelings

Good Morning! I was doing some reading on feelings this weekend. Here are some notes from that.

Feelings... how you feel can be a blessing and/or a problem when it comes to spiritual transformation.

Emotions have been describe as "human bondage". Feelings cause us to do what we want to feel good. No one can just resist these feelings on their own willpower. Through strength given by God though, you can master them.

Feelings can be a major deception of the heart. If you are mastered by your feelings, then you believe your feelings must be satisfied. We are not bound to those feelings!! In John 8:34 we are told that the person who allows the Spirit to control their feelings realize not everything has to be filled. The Spirit allows us to do what we don't want, and to not do what we do want.

It isn't about "want" and "feelings" it is about right and wrong. I have seen more than one interview of someone speaking of Obama. The main thing I hear them all say is that Obama makes them feel good. Lots of things can make you feel good... typically those feelings do not last, nor do they hold substance. Feelings come and feelings go, they can be very fleeting. Don't base your future on a feeling... a hunch... I have been told, to never forget, that public opinion is NOT the voice of God. I hope all of you pray about this. Go with what God tells you, not what you feel. Go with facts, look at the history of what someone stands for. It is your responsibility to see where this man stands on issues, on morals, on life..or lack thereof. Do a little research. Don't rely upon commercials, debates, and other's feelings. Learn the truth. Vote on facts, not feelings.

Feelings move us and we enjoy being "moved".

Friday, October 03, 2008

Today's Prayer

After writing in this last night.. I found true contentment in this prayer I came across today;

Father, Thank you again today for the truth of your word. Lord, I've learned by expericence that hearing your word is not enough. I know I need to act on your word. It's doing what it says that brings results! Lord, don't let me decieve myself today into thinking that I am changed because of what I have read. Let me be changed because of what I do in response to what I have read. Let my home, my place of work and my life this week be filled with contentment.

Lord, I do have enough--- I have you. I have your promises. I have your faithfulness. I have your strength and wisdom to pursue change in the hurtful areas of my life. I know I can trust you with my burdens. Forgive me for thinking that my happiness is in anything external. Help me to embrace the truth that, godliness with contentment is great gain. All that I pray, I pray in the name of Jesus, who is my ulitmate example of true contentment. Amen (by James MacDonald)