Sunday, March 23, 2008

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The Curtain was Torn

During the lifetime time of Jesus, the Holy Temple in Jerusalem was the center of Jewish religious life. Here was the place that animal sacrifices were carried out, and worship according to the Law of Moses was commanded, and followed faithfully.Hebrews 9:1-9 tells us that in the Temple a veil separated the Holy of Holies where God dwelt from the rest of the Temple where men dwelt. This signified that man was separated from God by sin (Isaiah 59:1-2). Only the High Priest was permitted to pass beyond this veil once each year (Exodus 30:10; Hebrews 9:7), enter into God's presence for all of Israel, and make atonement for their sins (Leviticus 16).

The Gospels speak of the death of Jesus. When He died on the cross, many things happened at that very same moment. One of things that occurred at that moment, was the tearing of the curtain in the temple.

The scriptures, in Mark 15:38, say "the curtain was torn from top to bottom."

During Jesus' time on earth, no one was allowed to enter behind the curtain ~ The Most Holy Place ~ other than a high priest. The high priest could only enter once a year. He did so to to take an atonement for his sins and the sins of the people. This atonement was the blood of a slain animal. The blood was a covering for the sins of the people.

When the curtain was torn, it opened the way for all to enter the Holy of Holies. All could go into God's presence by the blood covering of a slain man, who took on all of our sins. Recall that the veil was torn from top to bottom. The veil was so high and so thick that no man could have done this feat. It was God himself, opening the way. He opened a new way of living, and a new way to approach Him.

After God established this route, He then enabled Jesus to rise from the dead and come to Him forevermore. These are the same things God has lain in place for us. Our lives here on earth will end, and when they do... God himself will bring us to Him. Through the opening ( the blood of Christ) He has provided we are made holy and we are reconciled straight to Him.

"For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures."1 Corinthians 15:3-4

Woo who~ Happy Easter ! Happy Resurrection Sunday! Happy Life Eternal! Get ready to sing and dance.......

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Death Has Been Defeated

Wow... I have let myself get so off track lately. It is amazing how fast you can lose your focus when you let other things crowd your life! I have been praying to God for direction, and He has shown me that I have got to get it together!!

I went to a play last night and tonight, titled "Who is This Man, Jesus?"

I could go watch it a bunch more! Unfortunately I will have to wait until around next Easter to have privilege of that blessing again. I am looking forward to it, and I pray that many of you will be able to attend as well. It certainly moved me beyond measure. I LOVE when that happens! :-) It was written and directed by Liz Kirkland who attends Lighthouse Community Church. She is awesome and God gave her this fabulous vision that she put into a play to that all could be touched by the life of Jesus is a visual no one will soon forget.

Tomorrow is Easter. How privileged we are as a body of believers to be able to celebrate the sacrifice given, of the life Christ... so that we may have eternal life with Him. That is what Easter is all about, His love. He died so that we may live. Let's all try to keep the true focus of this holiday in focus. Christ was crucified on the Friday before Easter, and then rose again three days later, Easter day ~~ to defeat death, to defeat Satan ~~ He died for me, and for you...and all that are willing to receive Him.

Praise God for his awesome love.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Easter is NOT about a bunny!

I forewarn you, DO NOT WATCH ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. This clip was created by Jason. Here is a link to his website,

Want to know why we celebrate Easter?? It is all about his clip below. In the bible John 3:16 tells us, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that __________ (insert your name) would have everlasting life...."

He did this out of LOVE, pure and unconditional! What does this require of us? Simply proclaim that you beleive that Jesus Christ died for you, that He was buried, and that He rose again on the 3rd day (what we now call Easter) Say a prayer right now. Confess to God what is wrong in your life, what you have done wrong in the past, repent of that lifestyle, and begin to live your life accordingly. God will honor your words. Trust Him, believe Him...have faith. Watch the clip below, and see how much He loves YOU!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sweet Tea

I had the example of sweet tea used to show me how God transforms us by His grace. I thought it was pretty cool, so I am going to attempt to share it With you guys as well. Of course, sweet tea is my main drink, so this just clicked with me.

The first step to making sweet tea is to boil the water. (if you are a true sweet tea drinker, you know what I mean here) The sugar and the tea do not permeate the water unless it is very hot. Have you ever notice how much more receptive you are to God when the heat is turned up high? God turns up the heat to prepare us for life circumstances, this happens via trial we go through.. It isn't pleasant when it is happening, but the outcome is amazing.

Unlike cold tea, hot tea and sugar are compatible. In fact, the sugar dissolves and the very nature of the liquid is changed. You can never separate the two again. They have merged into one. This is not true of cold tea. No matter how much you stir it the two just don't mix.

Once He places His life (the Holy Spirit) within us our very nature is changed. We cannot be separated from Him. It is like the filling of the pitcher with enables us to share it with others.

True sweet tea and tea with sugar in it are two different things. You can add packet after packet of sugar to regular iced tea, and all you get is a big pile of sugar at the bottom of your glass! It is only when the sugar is allowed to dissolve into the boiled water, that you receive the sweet nature of the liquid. This is the same as Christ being in my life or Christ BEING in my life. The Spirit has so permeated our souls, as the sugar has the tea... that we cannot be separated, It is the essence of us. Our very nature has changed just as the composition of the tea has changed.

God has already made you holy. You don't have to try to be holy in order to become holy. You already are. We desire to live holy lives because He has made us holy.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Joseph Victor Stowinsky

Uncle Joe went to be with the Lord on Friday, March 7, 2008. His family was with him, he was peace, and just waiting for his call.

It is amazing to me how God can take hurt and turn it into something far bigger than you could have imagined when it all began. Joe's life touched many lives, and his passing has and will continue to do the same. So many lives are being reconciled even right now through the passing of Joe.

As I see the fresh grief and pain in his family, of losing someone you love, I cannot help but be brought to think of God's pain in giving the life of His Son, for us. To reconcile us to Him. He didn't have to, but that is how much He loves each and every one of us. It was a huge sacrifice, the blood of Jesus was spilled for all of us our of pure love. He took on every sin, He bore them, He paid the many ways, even humanly, He paid with His own grief and pain. Never forget how much that had to of crushed God's own heart.

Dear God, thank you for Joe~ thank you for blessing him and through him, blessing us! Thank you for giving us eternal life through your Son.. so that we can be reconciled to you and be reconciled to Joe.