Wednesday, June 04, 2008

"connecting" to God

I have basically been living life on my own lately, like totally on my own. Though God desires to be a part, I have kept myself secluded from him for about two weeks now. I don't know why. I do know how though, I lost my "connection".

I read a story last night about this guy that couldn't get his car to start. Ended up that the battery cable connections were totally corroded. The junk causing the corrison was blocking the ability of the power to reach the battery.
There virtually was no connection.

This same thing happens to us sometimes. We don't even realize that this corrosion is building. It can be a slow process, it can be a fast process. Nothing even has to be in the way of the connection, we just don't use it, so we lose it. Our connection is lost, and the power just doesn't come through. All we have to do is clear the path. The power is there waiting to be tapped into. Sometimes you don't even realize that the corrosion is occurring. Then one day you realize that something in your life is missing. You don't have that same spark you did. You lose touch~ you slow your Bible reading, you quit praying.... you lose your connection.

I lost my connection. I never lost my faith, but I lost my close realtionship. I am thankful to God that I have the connection back now. He knew just what I needed, at just the right time. I am so thankful that He continues to pursue me, even when I don't keep in touch. Thanks God for putting the people and circumstances in my life that drive me to you. I love you!