Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Samuel Chadwick on Prayer
Here is a great quote on prayer that was sent to me

"The one concern of the devil is to keep saints from prayer. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, mocks our wisdom, but trembles when we pray." Samuel Chadwick

From Pastor Nate

"I have been thinking a lot about faith lately. In staff devotions Wednesday we read Hebrews 11:1,2, "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction (evidence) of things not seen. For by it the men of old gained approval." Quite simpy, faith is being sure of what is unseen. We can say we intellectually believe something, but if our life does not match that belief, I believe, we really don't believe that at all. There are many people who go to church, say they have a belief in God, but their lives do not match their beliefs. So do they really believe these things? If faith is the "evidence" or the "conviction" of the things not seen, then faith ought to be seen by our lives because we live them with conviction, evidence of our faith, and assurance. Faith in Christ is not just another activity in our life like, golfing, swimming, or watching TV. Faith in Christ is our life, and this faith needs to be seen IN our lives by our decisions, our character, our choices, our spending,our relationships, our scheduling, and our convictions. I want to be a person that consistently lives my faith. I want Christ to be my life, not a part of my life, or some ideology stuffed in my brain. Our faith in Christ must be our lives!" Pastor Nate

Simple Faith and Plain Truth

I cannot believe that a week has past since I have written in here! Wow... time flies when you are having fun!!

1 Timothy 2: The Message
Simple Faith and Plain Truth 1-3
The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. This is the way our Savior God wants us to live.

We started a new ministry at our church this past Sunday, called Partners in Prayer. There is a book by the same name written by John Maxwell. I mentioned it on here before and how I would love for our church to do that... Well, a friend of mine and I are going for it! We held a meeting last week regarding our plans, and had pretty good attendance. We got great ideas and input. We went ahead and began the official ministry last Sunday. Things were not necessarily smooth sailing, but I thought they went pretty well considering it was our first Sunday to implement it. We had great participation from people for first and second service. How uplifting to gather in a group and bring your needs before God. There is power in prayer no doubt, I believe it is maximized with great numbers. We still have alot to learn, and much to organize. For now though, we are going with the flow of how God directs us. Please be in prayer for our church as we undertake this.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Complaint-Free Me??

A friend of mine at work bought us some bracelets that are part of the "complaint free world" campaign. Basically you wear the bracelet, and any time you think negative or complain (including gossiping) you have to move the bracelet to the other hand. Your goal is to make it 21 days without having moved it to the other wrist. That is supposed to help you become more aware of what is coming out of your mouth, and what is residing in your mind!

The first day, I didn't make it 21 minutes, but I think I moved it at least 21 times. The second day I was certainly more aware, though I still moved it quite often. By the third day, it was staying on one arm for greater lengths of time. Today..which is like day 14 or so... I still have not made it an entire day with no complaints, BUT... I only move it on occasion. It has been pretty cool to make yourself realize what you sound like to other people, and to change that behavior. I never considered myself too much of a negative person, yet it appears I could certainly refine that area.

It seems like in this day and age no one can just be happy. To greet someone and not hear something negative from them is almost shocking. How come it is totally kosher to gripe and complain and talk about how tired and broke and blah blah blah you are~~ How much different all of our lives may be if we tried to change that behavior. We have life so easy, and yet we probably complain more than any nation. Make an effort to day to realize what comes out of your mouth. Try building others up, and forget about yourself. Believe it or not, it really and truly is not all about you anyway. (should I move my bracelet?)

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Do it !

I got a new view on life Sunday. It wasn't anything profound that someone said to me, or anything I read... I was about a milli-second from seriously being dead.

I was a blink of an eye from being t-boned. I am most positive, that had I been hit, I would not have survived. The really weird thing though, is that it didn't so much scare me as make me more aware of things. My first thought was that God wasn't finished me with me here yet. It wasn't my time. My second thought was, what am I doing with my time?

It is odd how much we take for granted and assume will be here tomorrow.

Even the grass seemed different to me. I have thought about things like, what if today were your last. BUT, I don't know that I have truly put into my mind the ramifications, if today were my last. It is really different being there than merely thinking it.

We may never get another chance. Today may be our final parting words. It may be our last opportunity to make the world a better place, to bring a smile to someones face...to listen to the birds. To sing, to play , to dance.

MOST importantly, as good as all that sounds..... today may be our last to turn our lives around.

What do you wish you would have done? Do it!