Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A month or so ago I went on the "Walk to Emmaus". I didn't really have any idea of what to expect, but I had been told that it would be a time for growth and renewal. I was all about that!

It was basically a retreat of sorts. We listened to several speakers and just chilled for the weekend. It was nice. There were many awesome things that happened during that weekend, that just put me so close to God. I hated the thought of leaving and having to face the "world" again. I had never had the chance to experience God one on one with nothing else to deter me from His presence. That was the main thing that made it hard to realize I had to go back into the world again.

However as the weekend progressed and I realized that if I stayed all hidden away... to savor in my own relationship and peace with God, then it may cause someone else to totally miss that opportunity altogether. It totally reminded me of the song, "This Little Light of Mine". Sometimes it is easy to forget that we may be the only Jesus that someone else sees. That is why our witness is so important on a day to day basis. I wrote the quote earlier; "Out of 100 people, 1 will read the Bible.... the other 99 will read the Christian." (DL Moody) Though it seems much easier to stay up on the hill~ all safe and tucked away, in reality~ that would be the worse thing ever.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Lord of my Life?

Today I listened to a sermon from my nephew's church; It talked about what and who is Lord of your life? Are you claiming that the Lord is Lord of your life, but your actions showing something else?

I think that many things are being made the "lord" over my life, but not at all what should be. I want to think that the Lord is Lord over my life and in my life, but in listening to this...I realize many other things are really being made my lord. I am taking more time for these things, fitting these things in, worshiping these things~~ and yet I claim there is one Lord over my life. How can this be? What about the words I say, the thoughts I think.... Not that all my thoughts and all my time have to be only about the Lord, but where are my priorities? What is first?

Monday, October 29, 2007

look close

Look at the lines the artist used to draw this picture of Christ, It is of scenes from Christ's life. Thanks to CJ for the picture!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

driving force?

So what is the driving force in your life? What would other people say is the driving force in your life? What do you want them to say is the driving force in your life? Are you making your desires be reality?

James 4:8 "Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you."

"You can have 20/20 vision and yet look at a mountain 50 miles away and not see it clearly. You don't need better eyesight, you need to get closer to the mountain! God has not moved." (author unknown)

Friday, October 26, 2007

Top Ten ways to Grow in Grace

From the New Rebellion Handbook by Nelson Books

10 be quick to acknowledge sin and guilt
9 live in the confidence of your divine ownership.
8 easily receive God's forgiveness that invites you into intimacy.
7 stop trying to earn God's favor, you already have it.
6 reject false quilt--it is the enemy's favorite lie.
5 take every opportunity to overlook the failures of others.
4 call attention to people's potential, not their faults.
3 speak the truth in gentleness and love.
2 don't pretend to have your life all neatly together.
1 be quick to forgive, slow to offend.

prayer journaling

Beginning my own prayer journal has made a huge impact on my life. I am able to converse with God in such a more meaningful way. It has made me look at things differently. It has revealed a God to me that desires me and has become personal to me. I have such peace in my life.... things get crazy, don't get me wrong. I lose my temper, I get frustrated, I say things I regret, I mistreat others, I choose some other things to do instead of what I should be doing.... The thing is, the difference is~ I have peace in my soul.

I don't write every prayer in my journal, but I do journal a prayer daily. This keeps the lines open....keeps me consistent. Sometimes I get lost when praying silently. I begin just fine, then the next thing I know I was praying for Lonnie over in Kentucky and then I began thinking about the last time I went to Kentucky~ which then may make me thing of numerous other things, like how I should have had my hair colored last week..... Next thing I know my mindset is anywhere but where it should be. I realize it, and I am like "oh...I am so sorry God, yeah.... back to the conversation..." And it happens all over again. I pretty much have to pray out loud, keep it real short if silent, or write it down! My prayer journal also enables me to go back and see my growth as well as answered prayers, that I didn't even realize have been answered. Those little things you pray about and then forget. One time I prayed and prayed to get along with a certain person. Months and months had went by and I was just going on with my life. I came across an old prayer journal and thumbing through it found these prayers I had written to get along with this person. I was flipped out and just had to sit there and smile.... this person had since become a great friend of mine!

Friday, October 19, 2007

D.L. Moody Quote

"Out of 100 people--one will read the bible, the other 99 will read the Christian."