Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Year, New Me!

The sermon today was about having a "new you" for the New Year. That is something that I desire. My life is great, don't get me wrong, but I know how much better it could be.

As I have grown in my spiritual walk, and matured...I have also found myself becoming complacent. I think a big part of that is how very content I feel with life in general. I don't recall ever feeling so content ever before. It is amazing the peace that God brings into your life. That in itself is not bad, nor do I want to change (not after all of the years searching for it). However, I am just coming to realize that because I do feel so content, I have not been making much of an effort to maintain the relationship that brought me this peace and contentment in the first place. I have found myself instead, having become comfortable.

I think at times it easy to take for granted the good life we have. At first it amazes us and it takes all we have to believe it is real...then, we become accustomed to it and perhaps even expect it.

It is our choice to see what we have as a gift, and to continue to nurture it. It is our choice to just be satisfied and settle into where we are. A big part of that decision is our attitude in general. We take so much for granted. We forget how privileged we are not only hear and now, but in the aspects of eternity. We are a blessed people. Sometimes though, we don't act it. I don't act it.

I woke up the other morning so grumbly and negative. All I wanted was to go back to sleep. I was warm and comfy. The last thing that seemed appealing to me was to get up and get a shower and go to work. It was all in my attitude though. Once I made myself recall how privileged I was to have slept in a bed last night, to have a blanket, a roof... to be able to grab a shower and to not only have a job, but a job that I love. What a stinking attitude to be whining about getting out of bed! Poor me, such a rough life.

That is what I want to be new about me this year. I want to have a great attitude, a positive attitude, a friendly attitude, a prayerful attitude, a blessed attitude, a Godly attitude. Lord, forgive my selfish attitude. I pray that I will be prompted by the Holy Spirit every time I have that type attitude. I pray for it to be replaced by an attitude that is pleasing to you.
1 John 4:4"... because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Forgiveness is extending love and mercy to someone who has wronged or hurt you. It is NOT saying that what was done was acceptable, or that it did not matter, but it is a choice to release the person from the burden of guilt for what they have done wrong and not allow that offense to affect your relationship.
Forgiveness is a powerful thing, for both the forgiver and the recipient. It may even be more powerful for the one doing the forgiving... the tension and stress that build in your body from the emotional hurt of someone wronging you (especially if it was someone you loved) wreck havoc on your life. There is not rest. And you know what? The craziness you are putting yourself through is probably doing nothing at all to that person. They probably have no idea how much it is tearing you apart. Maybe they do know, and they don't care. No matter what the situation is, release it. Give it to God, and take his peace instead.
It truly is amazing how much you can just "let go" if you allow God to help you. I might add that true blessings arrive when you then pray for that person. There seriously is a peace that comes to rest upon your soul.
Is this easy? NO, it can be very very hard. So hard that you feel like giving up on everything. I can verify that you are hurting no one, but YOU if you don't even try.
This is where it is crucial too to have others that are praying for you, that keep up with you. Make friends with other believers and be open and honest with them. When you aren't able to carry yourself, someone else can step in the gap and bring you through. They cannot help though, if you aren't up front about your situation. This is NOT the time to try to stand alone. Friends are friends forever...when the Lord is the lord of them.

How Awesome is Prayer

The last couple of days have been full of mercy and grace! I am feeling very embraced in God's arms. I know people have been praying for us, and praying for my family. I want to thank you so much for that! It is amazing how you can seriously feel the love of God. It becomes so obvious that others are lifting you up.

I have a friend, who not too long ago was involved in a bike accident. She called me and asked for me to pray and for me to contact our church to pray. I did immediately. I spoke with her a few hours later, and she told me how this utter calmness just came over her. She knew that she was being prayed for. She could not believe the load lifted from her. It made a difference in her ability to cope at that moment.

I had never really had that exact feeling, but after the past few days, I have! How awesome to have so many people come together and pray specifically for another. Imagine the difference we could make in others lives by lifting them to God in prayer.

My niece does just this. She has a prayer collage. She has pasted pictures and written names of certain people she is praying for. Some prayers are continual, and some are special request, or circumstances. She prays over the entire thing, praying for each of them. It is pretty awesome. Another thing that I heard someone mention was to create a "prayer date book" You write in certain people's name or names on certain days, and then devote a special prayer to that person on that particular day. Depending on how many people you were praying for specifically, you could have a prayer collage for each day!

If we were all praying for our church leaders, political leaders, our co-workers, our families, our church families, our realtives, our neighbors, a person we don't get along with, a stranger we met in the store.... What a serious difference we could be making! If you are reading this right now, STOP..say a prayer for the first person that comes to your mind. Seriously do it.
We could be doing that hundreds of times a day! Thanks to all of you who have been praying for me. I love you guys!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Authentic Christianity

Authentic Christianity is the consistency between words and actions~ between claimed values and actual priorities. It is something I strive for, but have a long way to go to reach. I am working on it daily. Some days are better than others.

You have to truly connect with God to be authentic, not just go through the motions. It begins with spiritual authenticity`daily reserved time.

You have time for what you make time for.

Journaling helps to keep track of where you have been and what you are doing. It is like a post game analysis. It helps you to be authentic. Can you be conformed to the image of Christ without evaluating your progress or mistakes? Try writing out your prayers, your thoughts, your feelings, decisions, frustrations.... analyze your day, see where you can improve and where you did great!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Fallacy of Full-Time Christian Work

The following is an article by Os Hilman from the Today God is First series

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord,
not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the
Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving
. (Colossians 3:23-24).

"I didn't know you were in fulltime Christian work," said my close friend as we were driving. "I didn't realize that," she went on. I responded, "Every person who has followed the will of God in their life is in full-time Christian work." God calls some to the mission field, others to be accountants, others to be advertising executives, and still others to be construction workers. God never made a distinction between sacred and secular. In fact, the Hebrew word avodah is the root word having the same meaning of "work" and "worship." God sees our work as worship. We have incorrectly elevated the role of the Christian worker to be more holy and committed than the person who is serving in a more secular environment. Yet the call to the secular workplace is as important as any other calling. God has to have His people in every sphere of life Otherwise, many would never come to know Him because they would be
separated from society. I learned this lesson personally when I sought to go into "full-time" service as a pastor in my late twenties, only to have God thrust me back into the business world unwillingly. This turned out to be the best thing He could have done for me, because it was never His will for me to be a pastor. He knew I was more suited for the workplace. We are all in missions. Some are
called to foreign lands. Some are called to the jungles of the workplace. Wherever you are called, serve the Lord in that place. Let Him demonstrate
His power through your life so that others might experience Him through you and see your vocation as worship to His glory. He desires to use you in your area
of influence to impact your workplace, city and nation for His glory.

is written by Os Hillman.
To subscribe to his daily email go to: or

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Prayer pattern of Paul for the Corinthians

A.C.T.S. A=Adoration, C=Confession, T=Thanksgiving, S=Supplication

In addition to the above listed basics...

1. Ask for understanding of what God wants you to do.
2. Ask for spiritual wisdom.
3. To be honoring and pleasing to God.
4. To produce every kind of good fruit.
5. To learn to know God better and better.
6. To be strengthened with God's glorious power.
7. To have great endurance and patience.
8. To be filled with joy.
9. To give thanks always!

I do not know where I obtained this list.... I just found it jotted in my notebook. I do know however, if you begin incorporating all of this in with your daily prayers....things are going to start happening in your life!

Monday, December 22, 2008

whaddaya mean forgive them?

Sometimes it is not possible to live in peace with everyone, the problem is not always dependent upon what you do. However, we must make every effort to love a person that seems unlovable..
HOW?? Number one is that you have to forgive that person unconditionally. UNCONDITIONALLY, no strings attached. If you leave strings attached, you are not forgiving. You have to forgive them repeatedly if need be. Perhaps that will be a need on your part as thoughts creep into your head drowning out why you forgave them in the first place!! OR perhaps the person just does not "get it". Whatever the case, that choice is yours.
You have to take action on it; pray about it. Pray for enlightenment and for love for the individual. Ask to love them through Jesus... that may be the only way you can.
You cannot assume this persons' motives. Don't even try, unless they are with the best intentions. When you begin to decide for yourself what the motives are, you have just joined ranks with them. Step above that. Stand up tall.
Ask God to search your own heart as we are told in the scriptures to do. Ask him to search it and to reveal to you areas you may be able to change. Maybe you need more tolerance, patience, forgiveness...
Pray before you enter a stormy situation, pray when you are there, pray when you leave it... If you don't ask for the help, you have a high chance of not getting it. We have total free choice with God, if you chose to do it on your own..well, that is your choice. Don't think about how much it hurts you, think about how much they need forgivness. Don't be an enemy even if you have one.
I am typically very quick to forgive. That has not always been the case. God has been working on me though, and I see how much better it is to forgive and forget than to hold on to something that can eat you alive. I am certainly not encouraging anyone to be blind or ignorant~~certain things, certain people, certain places..are just best to stay away from. But given the opportunity to restore a Godly relationship that has gone astray, I think God would back you all the way! Don't worry about what others think(perhaps their hearts are hardened?), they are not going to be there to answer for you, to take your punishment, or to take your crown when we come face to face with the one whose thoughts truly matter. Do what is right, because it is right, you don't need any other reason. Do you have someone you need to forgive today? Do you have a relationship that needs restored? Pray about it, and don't toss God's reply around. Act on it. They may or may not accept it, you can still refuse to be an enemy. Either way is going to be do what YOU should and let God handle the rest. love, love, love to all of you!