Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My theology Paragraph

We are doing some awesome studing in Sunday School! Our assignment this week is to write a paragraph on our Christian Worldviws of Theology. This is designed to be a work in progress. As I grow and learn and discern! So far...

I believe in Theism. I believe that God exist and created the universe and all that the universe contains. I base this belief on not only what the bible tells me, through special revelation… but what scientific evidence shows revealing that the Bible is true through general revelation. I believe that the intricate design of a human being could not be left to mere chance and by all means points to a designer who is intelligent, powerful, and loving. I believe in morality and that there is absolute right and absolute wrong. I believe that in order for this to be true, there has to be one who began the “law” of morality in the first place. I believe that we did not just “become” one day from a bunch of unknown matter…I believe that we were thought out and planned and created. I know that God desires a relationship with me and wants me to live eternally with Him. For this reason He sent His son, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the incarnate of God in human flesh. By His blood we are redeemed. God also exist as the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us freely. The Holy Spirit helps to guide us, convict us, and give us insight into God’s word. I believe in the Trinity, the Godhead in three…Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each are separate and yet all are God. I believe God judges our actions and yet is loving and full of mercy. I believe that the blood of Christ covers our sins if we ask for it, believe in it, and repent. I believe that I am fully forgiven and have life anew through Jesus Christ. I believe that the work of the Holy Spirit helps me to grow daily through prayer, study, and reading the Word. I believe that I must fill my mind, my thoughts, my mouth daily with the word of God, and let my actions reveal my motive.

2 Corinthians 13:14 "May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all."

Saturday, November 07, 2009


I am so thankful that our God is a God of second chances...of forgivness....a God of love! I am so blessed and so privliged. I am so happy that God has just kept on pursuing me throughout my lifetime, even when I thought HE was the last thing I needed. I keep running into things lately that bring back memories for me of crucial events in my Christian walk. It is amazing to me when I stop to realize events that have happened and been placed before me AND the fact that God saw past those, and saw what lay around the corner. He knew what was to come, and what had to come...what had to happen to make what he wanted to happen. God has blessed me greatly. I pray to live life as would please him.