Saturday, March 22, 2008

Death Has Been Defeated

Wow... I have let myself get so off track lately. It is amazing how fast you can lose your focus when you let other things crowd your life! I have been praying to God for direction, and He has shown me that I have got to get it together!!

I went to a play last night and tonight, titled "Who is This Man, Jesus?"

I could go watch it a bunch more! Unfortunately I will have to wait until around next Easter to have privilege of that blessing again. I am looking forward to it, and I pray that many of you will be able to attend as well. It certainly moved me beyond measure. I LOVE when that happens! :-) It was written and directed by Liz Kirkland who attends Lighthouse Community Church. She is awesome and God gave her this fabulous vision that she put into a play to that all could be touched by the life of Jesus is a visual no one will soon forget.

Tomorrow is Easter. How privileged we are as a body of believers to be able to celebrate the sacrifice given, of the life Christ... so that we may have eternal life with Him. That is what Easter is all about, His love. He died so that we may live. Let's all try to keep the true focus of this holiday in focus. Christ was crucified on the Friday before Easter, and then rose again three days later, Easter day ~~ to defeat death, to defeat Satan ~~ He died for me, and for you...and all that are willing to receive Him.

Praise God for his awesome love.

1 comment:

  1. I too went to see "Who is this man Jesus?" It was absolutely amazing. I could watch it over and over. LIz is such a wonderful woman of God. I met her through the Emmaus community and she is so kind. I am so thankful God allowed her to use her vision to touch so many lives for Christ. God Bless.
