Friday, October 02, 2009

Jesus was Homeless Too!

Last night I learned alot. Maybe more than I have ever learned in such a short amount of time. Even though the sights were depressing, the spirits were uplifting and the love was true.

I for one have never ever see in real life how it is to be homeless. We went to a couple of bridges that are "homeless communities". As we pulled up, my heart dropped. There were makeshift beds everywhere. Some of the beds were simply wooden crates with a thin blanket over the top. A great number of garbage bags, many containing their only possessions, were lying everywhere. There were end tables sitting around, broken chairs, blankets, bags and bags and bags of stuff. Each person or couple seemed to have a distinct area that was "theirs". Almost like it was their own little home. Everything that they owned in the world packed up beside where they had prepared a place to sleep. Men, women, young, old, black, white...

We all got out and walked into to the areas. We just sort of mingled about, asked them if they would like a backpack....took a few minutes to ask about them, their life. How long they had been there, what had happened, family? We offered to pray with them and share the word. They were so appreciate of the conversation, I think perhaps even more than they were of the backpacks! They did love the packs, were so excited to get them and see what was inside!! They said thanks a thousand times. They smiled and talked about how they had been blessed, how kind we had been. They were eager to talk, eager to receive a hug. A few had made the choice to be there, others had some bad life circumstances, others had issues they were working on to go back home. Several have no family at all. Some were very recent to be there.

One girl, Allie, seemed somewhat embarrassed to accept the pack, and yet desperately wanted it. She took it and smiled and thanked the person that handed it to her. She wanted to talk and yet was a little shy to look you in the face. She was pretty excited that one of the agencies may be able to get her "inside" by November. Another lady, Laura asked for prayer for her two daughters. They are 11 and 16. I am unsure of when she last saw them. Her eyes just lit up when she spoke of them. There was a guy we met named Ricky. Very animated and just happy with life. Great smile and shining eyes. Telling us about how important God is to him, he readily accepted the opportunity for someone to pray for him. I also met a gentleman by the name of Larry. He looked so familiar to me. He lost his job about 3 months ago. First time he has ever been homeless. He has no family at all. NONE. We talked for a really long time. He cried some, we prayed some, we laughed some.... He has some heart issues and has not been able to afford his medications. He asked specifically for prayer for his health and finding a new job. Also met a man named Danny. Real nice guy, jokester. Caring and watchful. On a list to get "inside" as well. I believe he is 4th on the list??
One of the most hurtful things that happens to these people is that they get treated like no one. Like they are no one at all. From what I heard and observed, that bothers them more than being homeless. They just want to be acknowledged. They want a smile, a hello, a nod.
One of the gentleman, that wasn't real sure that we were just Christian people there to do good for no reason other than that we cared....... he was telling me how some of the homeless are drunk every night, pan-handling constantly, sleeping on the sidewalk, peeing on the walls.... He said that they give the rest of the homeless a bad name. That really hit home with me. I told him, "sounds like some Christians I know. They give us all a bad name by being hypocrites, and mean, and uncaring" I told him, you can't judge all of them by the few that have offended you either. He just smiled at me and nodded his head. He said, "your right" and he kept on smiling.

It was a blessed night.

We had 28 people with us on this journey, and not one of them were not used by God to touch another soul. Thank God that Patti's church heard the call. There were many out there under the bridges, and in the lot. From what I understand, the numbers were actually down at the lot that evening.

oh yeah, the lot!! We also went to a "feeding lot" right behind Lucas Oil Stadium.
WOW, there is a ministry called Manna Ministries of Indianapolis, the website is GO the the site and DONATE to them!! They are awesome!! This is just a private family that has a great desire to serve God by reaching out to those less fortunate. They have a bus they drive and every single Thursday come rain or shine, at 7:00 p.m. they serve dinner to however many come to the parking lot they set up in. Inside the bus they have socks, hats, gloves, hygiene products, coats, clothing, you name it. Each person that arrives at the lot gets a number. After a short message, each person takes his number up to the food line and gets a meal served to them. Then one by one they call out the numbers and that person gets to go and get on the bus. They have prayer and tell what they need for that week. Then it is given to them as they are able. It is amazing! They so have their heart in the right place. I cannot encourage you enough to go and donate to this family. I am unsure of how they fund the food, or anything else. They have built a relationship with these homeless people and it is inspiring.

so yeah, I went with my cousin Patti last night to an outreach she helped to put together for the homeless. This is something very near and dear to her. She was homeless herself. She was only a small the cold........ on the streets of Indianapolis. Some people have things like this happen in their lives, and they only complain about it. Or perhaps they get out of a situation and then they never look back. NOT Patti, she goes to action and does something to make it better. She is living her life to serve her Lord and his creation to the best of her ability. She is inspiring and uplifting to be around. I greatly appreciate her willingness to serve so freely.

oh I could go on and on and on....... the visions will be forever in my mind. I certainly plan to make this a part of my own outreach. I pray that you might join me. God Bless!! Don't forget to go and donate, you wil lbe blessed and so will they!

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