Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Just like Jesus!! yippppeeeee

I am reading a book titled, "Christianity Isn't For Whimps" by Mike Nappa. (very good reading thus far!)

He tells a story in it about this young man that worked and worked to have the same moves as a certain pro football player. The kid would work himself silly to be just like like this player. After an awesome catch one day he shouted out "did you see that? It was just like (insert name)! it was perfect!!" He was so excited and full of joy. The author then says how he wonders what it would be like if we all practiced Jesus' moves ...studied how he did things, practiced in all of our free time to be like him~ and then when we did some great marvelous thing jump for joy and shout out "did you see that?? It was just like Jesus! It was perfect!"

I had to smile as I read that. It is pretty amazing how we worship the things we do, how we want to emulate a person... and yell and scream for our favorite teams. How we jump up and down when they score a point or throw our arms in the air! How can it be alright for our population to do this in worship for a sport, but not for the King of kings?


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