Friday, November 16, 2007

Big Mouth

So a friend of mine (I thought she was a friend, anyway :-)) gave me a CD set entitled, "Me and My Big Mouth". She seemed so excited to loan it to me, and with a sweet smile, said " I saw this and thought of you!" I looked at the title, and real sarcastically replied, "thanks!" (I had a very nice look on my face as well, I am sure.) Then of course she was trying to back out of it, saying.... no, no not like that, I thought you would like it, I was just kidding about it making me think of you....... blah blah blah. Who knows what else she may have said to get out of this ordeal. By that time, I had to admit and was convicted that it would be a perfect message for me to listen to. Though she was really was kidding (or so she says) I do have a problem with speaking prior to thinking. I have certainly come along way. As Joyce Meyers says, "ten years ago........ whoa ~ I may not be to where I need to be, but I am so much closer than I was!"

This CD series is by Joyce Meyer. I started listening to it today. I think I am going to like it.
It is so amazing how powerful the tongue can be! We can make people feel awesome and we can make people feel the depths of despair~ all by our tongue. What a weapon it can be and what a blessing it can be. I have more to add to this post, but headed out for now to a b-ball game at Lighthouse ! whoo hooo! I will tell you that I have a goal for this week, to watch my tongue. To think about my words. To build people up.

p.s. That friend I was talking about, that gave me the CD... she is AWESOME! Those remarks I made are totally just me joking around. I am crazy about her and so thankful that God gave me such a privilige and blessing to have her in my life! It isn't that often that someone enters your life and you just you have known each other forever. To my great fortune, she is nuts about God!


  1. Anonymous12:33

    Sounds like someone else is trying to get their foot out of their mouth!!! Thanks though, I am very thankful for your friendship also.

  2. hey... I was trying to practice ;-)
