Wednesday, November 07, 2007

No one can limit you when the grace of God goes before you.

Sometimes it is hard to go from being this ordinary person that wasn't really bad, but wasn't really good either...just normal, cruising through life... and then become this new person~ a new creation. A child of God, a "Born-Again" Christian, "saved", "believer".... some say Jesus Freak ( I think that is my favorite! How awesome to be known as a Jesus Freak :-))) Lots of my friends and family are a little freaked out themselves, that I get so excited about God now. They also don't understand why there are many things I used to think were fine, and now I just cannot participate (sometimes even tolerate). It is so hard to explain that I am still, me and yet I am not me at all anymore. How could I even begin to fathom their understanding when I am amazed by all of it myself? I try to explain and I find it unexplainable. You have to experience it. I don't want people to be different around me, to feel uncomfortable, or to steer clear. I still like to act like a dork ( I am a dork!), I like to have fun, be silly, play jokes, laugh at anything and everything, enjoy life... I am still me I just have a different focus, a clear vision, a purpose, joy, peace, love, everlasting life ( who would not be giddy about that?).

Anyway, sometimes it is difficult though. I am held to a higher standard (and should be), and when I fall... well, it is thrown in my face. I wish they could understand, I will never ever be close to having it all together. I am going to fall alot. I am also going to get back up and dust myself off, and take it up with the One who I report to. I am still growing. I never plan to stop growing. I do not regret my past, for I would not be who I am. I totally believe in prevenient grace, and I know that God has had his eye on me... He has been walking beside me. He has been preparing me. Even when I was serving myself, He knew the time was coming when I would be serving Him. So really it is nothing new, it just had not been revealed yet. Jeremiah 1:5 " before I formed you in the womb... I knew you."


  1. Anonymous18:10

    How are you doing? Guess what I good grade on my progect! Thanks for all the help. Is it okay if I add you as a friend on my blog?
    Love you
    Abby Elarton

  2. add me add me! yipppeee I am so excited that someone commented to me. I was beginning to htink perhpas I was not cool... I will be your best friend always ( is that dorkish?)
