Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Think about your thoughts

2 Corinthians 10:5, tell us to
"Take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

So many thoughts run through my head in a day. I could not even venture a guess at the number. I was reading some information today that talked about controlling what your mind dwells on. I had never given over my thoughts to that particular thought, so it intrigued me as I thought about it. Then... I stumble upon this verse (above) that God must have decided I needed today... WOW, some of my thoughts are seriously thoughts and nothing more~ I mean, I would never act on them..I would never even tell people some of them! What is the big deal? Is dwelling the same as a fleeting thought though? That is what I have..fleeting thoughts.

Here I am, just kind of skipping along, happy that I am making improvements in my life...pleased that the Holy Spirit has convicted me of certain things, Proud of my progress in relationships... Then WHAM ! Suddenly a ton of bricks is dropped down upon me, and God tells me that If I even think the thought, the mere thought... then I may as well have committed the sin. On a scale of 1-10 they are real low at being horrible thoughts... but there they are. And there He is, showing me.

So yeah, I was reading about it, thinking "hrmmmm, I do that sometimes, ok a bit more than that.....alright, daily", then I was feeling convicted... then God decided to just to go head and confirm my thoughts...and he gave me the above scripture. Sometimes it still freaks me out how God works.

So, if I am slow to respond to you~~ give me some time as I try to actually think about what thoughts I will allow entry into my head. Think before you speak (maybe you are suppose to do this so that you can take captive your thoughts?.... I am pretty sure this is what my dad told me for the first 20 years of my life. Could he have been right??

Does anyone know where in the Bible it states that about thinking the thought is a sin..or am I just thinking that ?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:00

    Too much thinking for me.
