Monday, November 19, 2007

What do you Want out of a Relationship?

Having problems establishing a realtionship with God? I am not asking if you know Him. I am not asking if you go to church. I am asking if you have a realtionship. There is such a huge difference in knowing God and having a realtionship with Him. It only took me 40 years to figure this out. I don't want anyone else to have wander about aimlessly for 40 years.

Here is what I have learned and am trying work on and implement into my own prayer time.
Take time for solitude!! Mark 1:35 tells us that Jesus went to a lonely spot and remained there in prayer. There are many examples given to us of taking time alone to be with God. You have got to turn off the phone, the T.V., the radio....everything. Be alone, and concentrate fully on God. Talk to Him, let him talk to you. Allow time during your prayers to just be silent and listen for God to speak to you.

Not every prayer has to be like this, but try a minimum of one time give 30 minutes to God. Be alone with Jesus. Read, sing, pray, meditate. Focus on being in the present, don't allow any thoughts of what you have to do, or what you have done so far~ just be where you are. Connect.

Another thing is being honest. If you are angry with something, or happy, or sad; tell Him!! Tell Him why. He wants the honesty from you.
How would you feel if your child kept things from you, or told you something you knew was not true? God wants a close relationship and any true close relationship is based on honesty and trust. Trust that God cares enough to hear your heart. Also trust that God will do what He can to mend your emotions.... just as we will with our child. Sometimes He has to let us go through the situation to teach us, sometimes it is so we can teach someone else. Never will God put us in a circumstance that does not end up being beneficial for us.

God cares about you, about your character. He does not care about what is visibly seen, He is working on the inside... the heart, the truth of the matter.
A honest true relationship with God takes perseverance. It does not happen instantly at conversion. It does not maintain itself on its own. It is just like any other relationship, you have to work at it.

What do you want out of a relationship~ seriously think about it, right now. OK, that is what God wants too. There is nothing you can do that will better your life more in any way that establishing this relationship. What else is there you can do for 30 minutes a day that will change your life in the most postive way ever?

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