Sunday, January 27, 2008

Jesus is the Bridge

Our Pastor got me interested in author, Erwin Lutzer. I am almost finished with my second book of his, and have been very motivated to keep it in my hands. This particular book is about death, and what happens. I don't know that I believe every single things he says, but most all of it is bible based, and makes total sense to me.

A question he ask is; What is life except preparation for eternity?

He talks about death and how powerless is truly it is. He also reminds us that it is only through death that we can go to God up until the resurrection, and that He never ask us to go someplace He has not already gone himself. "Rather than Rid us of our wealth, it introduces us to riches eternal." (Lutzer, on speaking of death)

In the Beth Moore study this week she talked about death as a transition from this life as we know it, into a glorious life we have only heard about. She spoke of death as the same as basically taking a coat off..then walking on through. You just drop the coat and keep on walking with no hesitation. In the bible even Jesus himself tells us that on that day, the very day we die..we will go to be with Him. Luke 24:43 There are many other references to that same fact in the bible.
The bible also refers to dying as going to sleep. We go to sleep and then wake up in the arms of the Lord, we should not fear that. Ewrin Lutzer talks about how sometimes if is hard for us to fall asleep..if we aren't tired. He goes on to say that those who enjoy good health, a fulfilling vocation, wholesome family life~ they aren't necessarily looking forward to going to sleep... because they aren't tired, they aren't ready. They want some more time. A big reason for that is that the other side of life is unknown for the most part. We fear the unknown. Once however a person arrives on the other side...they have no qualms about staying there. They want everyone else to come!!

We get attached here to this place, but it is not truly our home. Grace in dying does not mean that we will be free from sorrow. They can bury our body, BUT they cannot bury us. Christ wept at the tomb of Lazarus, He cried out and asked for His own death to be delayed. He understands!! Grief is how we heal. It is to be expected. Your presence and your tears may bring more comfort to a grieving person than anything else. It shows them that you care. Words can't always convey that.

Romans 8:18 tells us to live with heaven in mind. The way to to do this is to learn how God wants you to live, what He desires of you. If you read the bible it is clear that God desires a relationship with each and everyone of us. He has made a "bridge" (given us a saviour) so to speak, that crosses over straight to Him. That bridge (saviour) is Jesus. Through His blood, sacrificed for us...we are reconciled to a Holy God, even though we have not personally earned it. God request that we do one thing. ONE THING, accept Jesus as your bridge (saviour). Acknowledge that you cannot cross over on your own. Start with that tiny bit of faith, and God will multiply it. When you think about the fact that we can spend eternity together and with God in heaven by having this faith, why would you not want to confess that?

As I witnessed myself first hand this week, life does not consist in duration, but donation. Live a life that is pleasing to God. Use your God given talents to live with heaven in mind. Work toward the goal and then you will be ready when He calls you home.

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