Wednesday, January 23, 2008

When You Just Don't Understand

I have been asked several times in recent days about why God would allow this to happen or that to happen. I would love to be able to give an answer and bring comfort to those that are make them immediately be able to comprehend, and not fear the circumstance. The problem is, I can't. I don't know why.

Some things just cannot be understood, they are a mystery to us~ for now. I firmly believe however that God does have a plan in things that happen good or bad. I don't think he makes things happen that are bad as a punishment of any sort, nor that he causes bad. I do think that at times he allows bad to happen, and then he uses it for good in the end. I think much of the bad that happens today is caused by poor decisions people make on their own accord. Me included. When we are not walking in the path of light...I think it is clear that the boat is going to rock. God has given us a pretty detailed guide book, that in most instances spells out how to live, yet we tend to ignore it. Satan is also in much of this. He can prod our minds....our thoughts, and lead us down a path that only causes destruction. If he sees you getting close to God, trust that satan is going to bring some hairy situations your way!
God though, can take a situation that is bad and turn it into good. I have seen this happen in my own life more than once.

We have some wonderful people we have known for many years. We met them at a church we attended many years ago. We met them while going to church, yet before we had a true relationship with Christ. They stood out to both my husband and I as just really nice people. You thought of them and a smile just came to your face. Well, we lost contact with them over the years. During those years, my husband and I drifted quite a bit ourselves. We were in no way living by the guidelines God had given us. We were not "bad" people, but we were not walking in the light either.

Well, two years ago this couple lost their son, Luke, in an auto accident. We were driving to the funeral home, and I felt overcome by a need to get back into the church. I can't explain the almost urgency of my feelings. We went in to see these parents, and they brought comfort to us. They brought comfort to us!! We all cried together, but they..even in their mourning, brought hope to my heart.
Their son had recommitted his own life to Christ in the year before the accident. They knew where he was, and knew they would be reunited. They were devastated at the loss, but so grateful that he was a child of the King! That night, I laid myself out on the line with God. I wanted what they had. I have never looked back.

This was a bad thing, a sad thing, a hurtful thing..... BUT, God used it for good. I don't know how many other lives were affected by that family, but I know that my life was turned around. I was reunited with the King myself. In turn I want to bring others with me. In doing this, I honor Luke, and I honor God. I am sure that at the moment our friends learned of the loss of their son, it was not a moment of rejoicing. But, when I recently spoke with them, they were rejoicing at the possibility of how many lives have been and will be saved through their son's death.

This is just one example, there are many more, even in my own life. Sometimes God is teaching us something, or strengthening us, preparing us....testing us.
People may not be able to see any good when they are in the middle of the hurt, the crisis. However, in looking back.... you can surely see the providence of God.


  1. Anonymous11:32

    I had a very similar experience. My step son Brad, was killed in a car accident in 1987, he was 25 years old. I was as you know raised Catholic and also had Christian family on my fathers side. I found too many reasons why they were not following what I perceived to be Religious. Brad lived with us through his High School years, I was his Other Mom, I loved him dearly. When he was killed God said to my spirit, ok now what are you going to do with this. You have to make a decision for me or against me.

    I was so upset because I felt like one of Brad's parents and I didn't have any idea if he went to heaven or hell. I knew I had to do something or go insane over thinking he was in hell. My girlfriend at work lead me to Christ. Brad died in Sept and I was a Christian by the next April.
    At first when it happened I was mad at God then I surrendered. The whole family changed and many many were saved. I made up my mind that Brad's mom and us were going to get along and be family no matter what it took.
    I know now that Brad's Great Grandmother lead him to Christ but all 4 of his parents were doing nothing to help him grow, we didn't know how ourselves.
    I believe that God looks at the bigger picture and while he didn't have anything to do with Brad being drunk that night, He did allow Brad to pass away. I feel like He saw so many people coming to Christ and being saved through Brad's death that He allowed it.
    Even though I would give anything to just talk one more time with Brad I would never wish him out of the arm's of Jesus. I will see him again one day thanks to his (Brad's & Jesus)death opening my eyes to the Real Truth.
    Love, Sandy

  2. Sandy, thanks so much for sharing that. I think that people have got to have some sort of reasoning when something terrible happens. God does have His reason, we just can't understand them. However, they are for good, and bringing us to Him. How privliged Brad was to have you and your family here..and how exciting it will be when you meet up again! love to you! M
