Monday, April 28, 2008

Refresh and Renew

In Epshesian 4:23 we read that we are to be constantly renewed in the spirits of our minds, having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude. Attitudes begin in our minds. Our minds are renewed by the word of God, and by rest.

If reading the word daily renews our minds and changes our attitudes, then why aren't we making more effort to do it? I can start out having the best of intentions, and then the next thing I know it is time for something again I put "refreshing my mind" on the back burner. This keeps happening and happening through the day, until I realize that I am not my usual happy self. My prayers don't seem to "connect". I feel a million miles away from God, when last week I felt like His best friend.

Who do you think moved?

We cannot and will not stay refreshed and renewed if we do not make an effort to do it. He is speaking to us through His word. Pray for your mind to be opened and renewed prior to opening His word. Allow the Spirit to convict you of this and then act upon it. Reading for ten minutes, is better than not reading at all.

Set aside the time. Schedule it if you have to! Don't let other things bump it out. It is crucial and is going to affect all other aspects of your life. Things will actually go much better once you ahve the routine down! You will be amazed how much better your attitude will become when it is freshened up with words from God.

Our pastor told us this weekend that God specifically set a day aside for us to rest. He did this with a purpose. We NEED that time. We need to renew our bodies. We need to rest and refresh! You cannot go,go,go...and keep going. Your body will just eventually stop being able to "go". Our minds are the same way. "Plug in" to the word and get recharged. It is sort of like one of those super chargers.... a little charge goes a long way. Just remember to do it again, and don't ever let the charge go out all the way.

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