Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sometimes I Forget to be Thankful! please forgive me.

Good Sunday Morning!

I was privileged to participate in a "prayer meeting" last night, where I saw lives transformed. I saw outright gratefulness and awe and people become real. I love to partake in things like this, as it renews my own soul...seeing them so overtaken with God's love. There is just nothing better than to be with a community of fellow believers, to sing together and pray break bread together! I love the bond it forms between complete strangers.

Sometimes as we go along in this life, and things get sort of mundane... I think we forget (or at least I do) how awesome God's love is. We forget how it feels to be totally wrapped up in it! We forget to seriously count our blessing and be truly thankful.

After arriving home last night, as my mind replayed the evening, it hit me how truly blessed I am. I was sitting there thinking about all my blessings, and it was overwhelming! Not only did God sacrifice His only son, for my redemption..He did it with no strings attached. He loves me and wants the very best for me. I have done nothing to deserve this. In truth, I am unworthy.

As I reflected on this, things just came pouring to me... the extreme amount of blessings I have been given personally. All I could think was WOW, WOW, wow! Who am I to receive all of this?

It is easy to get caught up in the little things of life that annoy us. It is so easy to get upset with someone, to have a negative attitude, to lose sight of what is truly important... Really, we don't even deserve the things that are given to us freely. We take them for granted. We complain about our jobs, our kids, the TV is broken, the car won't start... Instead of embracing what God has laid at our feet, we whine about it. We are like an ungrateful five year old that doesn't like the present you got him. The thing is, we aren't five...and we don't even have a reason to have the present given. Yet, we forget to be thankful. To be grateful. Not one of us can claim a bigger sacrifice given than our Creator... and yet, He just keeps giving. Amazing~

Write out your blessings today. Take the time to realize your blessings and to be truly thankful for them. Even the water that comes out the spout is a blessing.

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