Friday, January 02, 2009

do you practice avoidance?

As I have been studying up a bit on attitude, I have come across some reading on how we, as humans deal with certain situations. The one thing that really stuck out to me the most was the coping skill of avoidance. I don't think I realized how much I do this, until I read all the examples of it...and saw myself clearly in each one! Avoidance is not a true coping skill, it is exactly what the word says a-v-o-i-a-d-a-n-c-e. Not dealing with something is how many of us deal with something. We avoid it.

Avoidance can steal our peace and joy because many of the situations and activities we avoid, in the interest of comfort, that were placed in our lives by God for a purpose. So we end up avoiding the very things we ought to do. A big reason we avoid the situation or activity is due to the anxiety it causes. It makes us uncomfortable. it doesn't matter how much we may want to do it, we far less want the feelings of being uncomfortable, so we just stay away. We never deal with what it is, or we postpone it until it can be avoided no longer...which makes the whole situation 10 times worse. It is this whole fear of the unknown.

Though Jesus taught us to not be anxious, to not worry, to have faith... He does not condemn us for these natural human feelings. We can have them, we cannot let them overtake us. We have to take action against them. Even Jesus sweat blood in anticipation of the cross, but he did not avoid it.

Being anxious and trying to avoid something doesn't mean that you do not have belief or do not have faith. These are normal feelings that have existed since the beginning. However, it doesn't mean that we let these feeling control out lives. We have to let our trust in God control our lives. We have to take action upon the feelings. At times we just have to be obedient and trust God. In James 2, we are told that faith without action is dead. And in Matt 26:41 we are told, The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak". So, it isn't in having these feelings of avoidance or anxiety that we show weakness, it is in our ACTION of disobedience or obedience that we show our strength or weakness.

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