Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Year, New Me!

The sermon today was about having a "new you" for the New Year. That is something that I desire. My life is great, don't get me wrong, but I know how much better it could be.

As I have grown in my spiritual walk, and matured...I have also found myself becoming complacent. I think a big part of that is how very content I feel with life in general. I don't recall ever feeling so content ever before. It is amazing the peace that God brings into your life. That in itself is not bad, nor do I want to change (not after all of the years searching for it). However, I am just coming to realize that because I do feel so content, I have not been making much of an effort to maintain the relationship that brought me this peace and contentment in the first place. I have found myself instead, having become comfortable.

I think at times it easy to take for granted the good life we have. At first it amazes us and it takes all we have to believe it is real...then, we become accustomed to it and perhaps even expect it.

It is our choice to see what we have as a gift, and to continue to nurture it. It is our choice to just be satisfied and settle into where we are. A big part of that decision is our attitude in general. We take so much for granted. We forget how privileged we are not only hear and now, but in the aspects of eternity. We are a blessed people. Sometimes though, we don't act it. I don't act it.

I woke up the other morning so grumbly and negative. All I wanted was to go back to sleep. I was warm and comfy. The last thing that seemed appealing to me was to get up and get a shower and go to work. It was all in my attitude though. Once I made myself recall how privileged I was to have slept in a bed last night, to have a blanket, a roof... to be able to grab a shower and to not only have a job, but a job that I love. What a stinking attitude to be whining about getting out of bed! Poor me, such a rough life.

That is what I want to be new about me this year. I want to have a great attitude, a positive attitude, a friendly attitude, a prayerful attitude, a blessed attitude, a Godly attitude. Lord, forgive my selfish attitude. I pray that I will be prompted by the Holy Spirit every time I have that type attitude. I pray for it to be replaced by an attitude that is pleasing to you.
1 John 4:4"... because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."

1 comment:

  1. Excellent!!!

    Happy New Year :)

