Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Beautiful weekend, other than all of the rain...

I got a fabulous surprise Sunday when my son and his girlfriend showed up at our church. What a joy to see his face! I love that kid like crazy!! While we were sitting there during the service, it kept coming to mind how God must feel when we come to him. I was so overjoyed at seeing my firstborn, I just kept thinking...wow, imagine the rejoicing God does when we submit ourselves to him. When we quit running and we ask him to be a part of our lives. I know for me, having Allen there Sunday made the whole day alot brighter. I can't even fathom what God experiences when we choose to be a follower of his.

I am blessed and want nothing more than those blessings to be Allen's to stake claim of as well. If we want the best for our children, if we suffer when they do, and rejoice when they do....... How much more so does God do this for us? Indescribable indeed! You are amazing God.........you placed the stars in the sky~~

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous22:44

    very insightful entry. i really enjoyed it. keep up the good work!

