Sunday, November 25, 2007

How, Why, Where, When....,1703,A%3D161931%26M%3D200858,00.html

To those who have contacted me about how to get "here"....I don't know if you would be interested or not, but the above link is to a site that may better describe "the plan of salvation", and give scripture to back it up. I have tried to answer you as best I am capable of through emails or phone conversations... but thought the above link may be more tangible for you.

I do not want in any way to SHOVE anything at you, but truly because I care about you, I feel the desire and call to share the information with you. I will care about you and be your friend and want to hang out with you no matter what you decide regarding your faith or mine. I just do want to make sure that I have done what I can to offer you the explanations you ask about and because I think you are wonderful, I want you to have the opportunity to take this ride along with me. I understand what some of you are saying about various belief systems, and actions. I also know from my own experience how fleeting those feelings can be that they give you. It seems to me that, that is exactly what it is though, a feeling. It is great while it last, but there is no real substance to it. I know from my own experiences, something else comes along that appears right ,and then something else. So we keep trying to obtain this feeling. Instead of going with the tried and true, we go with the latest and new.

Sometimes life is not about feelings. Sometimes life is about doing what is right because it is right regardless of the feelings. The amazing thing is that when you are doing something because it is biblically right, it is amazing that matter if you felt like doing it or not, you end up feeling good!! I can assure you that never in my life have things been as calm and peaceful as they are now for me. After two plus years, I have still have that feeling! It follows me around, it makes me smile and laugh, and raise my hand in praise... It surrounds me, it comforts me.

It didn't just happen overnight. It wasn't easy to just CHANGE, actually... I didn't just change.... it has certainly been a process, and I have questioned much along the way. Some things I have finally realized I have to just trust. I don't have to have an answer for everything. (my dad told me that for years upon years growing up) I have to have faith though.

It took me awhile to even realize that I felt so good! It is sort of like when you have a headache, then it eventually goes away, and awhile later you are like...oh wow, my headache is gone! But when it is hurting you feel it will never go away. I think I felt bad for so long, I didn't even realize it wasn't like that anymore! Now it is hard for me to remember how bad I felt, until someone reminds me (thanks;-))
I have been open to the process. I have prayed that God would reveal himself to me, and that He would open my mind to learning about Him.... I have prayed to be given His power as He has promised...and His strength. Guess what???? It has happened.

My whole life is so totally different, and yet exactly the same! There is no way to explain all of the things that have happened to me. There is no way to explain how I feel complete and satisfied after years of wandering and searching. I finally allowed Him the opportunity, and was willing to go the extra of studying His word.... speaking with Him, trying to listen, and Kaboom~ He is taking care of everything. I am not running in circles any more. I am not trying to figure out why I even exist. I am not sad, and depressed....feeling worthless. Yeah, I have screwed up. I have even screwed up recently. BUT, the difference is that I know if my heart is right and I ask for forgiveness and make an honest attempt to change those ways.... I KNOW God is going to forgive me, and in turn wants me to forgive myself. I also know he is using those experiences I have had to allow me to help others.

This is just too much to try and even explain. It is so much better felt and understood when it is experienced on a first hand basis. Maybe what I am saying sounds corny. Maybe, as I once thought myself of others.... you consider me having gone religious on you! Gone overboard, fanatical, all that crazy stuff. You know what though, I am still me. I am just me with a reason and purpose now... me attempting to be led by the Spirit. Me as happy and complete as I ever have been. Me looking forward to each new day. Me looking forward to bringing someone else to where I am. Never stop with the emails or questions. NEVER and Always feel free to post here as well. You can post anonymously, and I have no idea of finding out who commented. I will always try to answer you the best I can. God is working on me, and making me what He desires of me. At this point though, my knowledge is lacking in many areas of being a Christian. My hearts is there though, and that is how I will guide you.


1 comment:

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