Sunday, January 13, 2008

back to the scripture I gave a few days ago...

"He who is impulsive exhalts folly" Proverbs 14:29 "In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has." Proverbs 21:20

oh wow!! I am so excited about this class at our church. It is Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University class. This is only our second week, but I have such a different attitude already! I think my husband it dumbfounded that he could preach to me for twenty some odd years, and not get through... and then Dave comes along, and kaboom !! I GET IT. I get it, and I am excited about it. Have you ever known anyone excited to go on a budget?? I AM !! I have loved every minute of this teaching.

It is funny in a way, and real horribly tragic in another that I have not "gotten it" until now. My husband and I have been having a great time teasing about the BUDGET since this classs started. We have never had any type of "plan" before. (well, I think he his head, and part of it was keeping me away from the money) I am not materialistic in any way, shape, or form. But money burns a hole in my pocket. I think if I have it, I should spend it..or could spend it, so why not just go ahead and spend it. More than half of the time I do not spend it on me. I spend it on anyone. I could meet a stranger and give them money. Actually, I have! I was in a store one time and this kid was scoping out some candy. It appeared that there was a good chance this was not something he was used to getting. I was assuming this based on various things. Well, anyway... I gave him a couple of dollars, and told him to pick something out, then I left. I did the same thing in our cafeteria one day at work. I saw this young mother, with two little ones. It seemed to me that life may have been a tad hard on them.... so when I paid for my lunch, I paid 10.00 $ extra and asked for the cashier to put it toward the mom's bill.

I do things like this ALL the time! The only thing is, they don't always benefit others. Not in the two mentioned cases, but plenty of others I have put myself in! Sometimes it teaches them that someone will take care of them, so don't worry about taking care of yourself. Sometimes it is teaching them to be impulsive. It can be very very worldly to just hand money out and have no thought about where it is going or why. I have done this plenty though...too much.

I used to think that the bible said that money is the root of all evil. About two years ago, I learned that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. To save money or to be wise with your money is not hoarding your money or being "evil". It is actually quite the opposite. It is biblical to do so.

I am all about this class! It is totally made for people like me, who are dorks about money. As if tommorow is never going to come (which one day it won't) I have never given a second thought to saving a dime. Now I am well on my way to having a serious "emergency fund", plus a savings, plus grocery money, plus bill money, plus pocket money, plus...most importantly, perhaps... HAIR money!! I have more money to plan how to spend than I ever have, or at least is seems that way having it all written out on paper. I also am quite fortunate that my husband has always been a "cash basis only" person. We are blessed to have no credit card debt at all. I am getting control of my money instead of it controlling me. I can still give other people money and do good things with it, but it will be on a more limited basis, and it will have a tangible cap that I can see.
Dosen't the bible say something about a fool and his money parting....

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