Saturday, December 27, 2008


Forgiveness is extending love and mercy to someone who has wronged or hurt you. It is NOT saying that what was done was acceptable, or that it did not matter, but it is a choice to release the person from the burden of guilt for what they have done wrong and not allow that offense to affect your relationship.
Forgiveness is a powerful thing, for both the forgiver and the recipient. It may even be more powerful for the one doing the forgiving... the tension and stress that build in your body from the emotional hurt of someone wronging you (especially if it was someone you loved) wreck havoc on your life. There is not rest. And you know what? The craziness you are putting yourself through is probably doing nothing at all to that person. They probably have no idea how much it is tearing you apart. Maybe they do know, and they don't care. No matter what the situation is, release it. Give it to God, and take his peace instead.
It truly is amazing how much you can just "let go" if you allow God to help you. I might add that true blessings arrive when you then pray for that person. There seriously is a peace that comes to rest upon your soul.
Is this easy? NO, it can be very very hard. So hard that you feel like giving up on everything. I can verify that you are hurting no one, but YOU if you don't even try.
This is where it is crucial too to have others that are praying for you, that keep up with you. Make friends with other believers and be open and honest with them. When you aren't able to carry yourself, someone else can step in the gap and bring you through. They cannot help though, if you aren't up front about your situation. This is NOT the time to try to stand alone. Friends are friends forever...when the Lord is the lord of them.

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