Saturday, July 12, 2008

who's got your back?

When you give Satan the stronghold, he takes it. I realize now that is exactly what I did last week. It had been coming up, weeks had been spent working on this. He had slowly been sabotaging my faith...I just didn't realize it. I didn't realize it until this morning actually! I was listening to Spirit 95 on the radio. I am not sure who was talking, but they began speaking about how Satan attacks. It was pretty interesting to listen to.

They also explained how when Satan is close to pulling it off, he pours it on hard, doing all he can to make you lose your faith..and when he realizes that you are NOT giving up on God, he backs off. Satan has no desire to wrestle with God. He has been defeated through Christ. When he sees where your alliance truly is and where you are gaining your power from he goes away. He waits to come back during another moment of weakness in your life. This is exactly why you have to be on top of your game. You have got to have all of your resources in place, and you have got to be prepared to battle. You never know when the battle may occur. You have GOT to be in the word. You have GOT to keep that daily time speaking to God. You have GOT to have prayer partners...other Christians willing to watch your back.

After I heard that on the radio this morning. I just had to smile and thank God for placing people in my life that were willing to watch my back. I thought about how I had felt last week. How I felt in the last few weeks before it all came to head. It is amazing to me how different I feel today. How different this entire week had been. I GOT my joy back. What can me more awesome than that?

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